This component has two daemons namely the namenode as well as the data node. HDFS is a distributed file system that runs on master-slave technology. In the Hadoop Ecosystem, HDFS is good at Data Storage, Map Reduce is good at Data Processing, and YARN is good at task dividing.Īre you new to the concept of Hadoop?, then check out our post on What is Hadoop? To process any data, the client submits the data and program to Hadoop. Hadoop does distribute processing of huge data across the cluster of commodity of servers that work on multiple servers simultaneously. Apache Spark that has been talked about most about the technology was born out of Hadoop. Hadoop has also given birth to countless innovations in the big data space. Hadoop has overcome its dependency as it does not rely on hardware but instead achieves high availability and also detects the point of failures in the software itself. Hadoop YARN is another component of the Hadoop framework that is good at managing the resources amongst applications running in a cluster and scheduling a task.
The Hadoop map-reduce is a processing unit in Hadoop that processes the data in parallel. This platform is capable of storing a massive amount of data in a distributed manner in HDFS. This file system is highly available and fault-tolerant to its users. Apache Hadoop is a framework that can store and process huge amounts of unstructured data ranging from terabytes to petabytes.